Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Sweet fate befall me

Sweet fate befall me,
lead me a merry dance.
Find me brave,
find me free.
For I have breached the hollow walls,
and have found a way through.

I have escaped the prison of love,
and left you all behind.
I have left myself dead,
under torn skies.

Flesh cannot contain my spirit,
bones cannot cage my soul.
I have left to be alone,
to the other side,
where calculous and reason cannot reach me.
Where the fields know no count,
no colour, no definition.

These are the hopes I have seen in my dreams.
These are the prayers awaiting an answer.

New Orleans 1911


  1. So stunningly beautiful, so me.

  2. This comment was mine. Little did I know how meaningful they were , the integrity of his poem-making in these very words.
