Monday, 17 January 2011

The Beautiful People

As we wander with undeniable gifts of genius,
the vast seas of thought are ours to hold.
Spectrum of emotion beyond comprehension is ours,
to love and to hate.
The ability to see things as they are, to truly know of the existance of realms beyond our comprehension,
to taste them,
and somtimes see them.

To walk without fear,
to be gracefull,
to be inspired,
to get there,and to leave.

I am enjoying all of my experiences,I am loving life,

These people are incredible, you have to meet them.
They are the reasurance,
Good people.

They talk of love and experience,
time and beauty.
They are the marrow of life.
live long my friends,
be rich in your hearts,
be filled with joy.

Athens 1322

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